Saturday 15 March 2014


Right off the bat my second post was suggested by the second person to Ever comment on my blog . Thank you Bolanle for this thought provoking topic, though I must say writing about life in colours is such a wide topic that would require a whole library to address. However, I shall attempt it without over dwelling on specifics.
Colours have everything to do with life ...what we eat, where we live, what we wear, name it. Colours attract our senses and tease our minds.  They help us in making choices amongst we all have our favourite colours right? Let’s start with the one colour that affects us right from birth.  Skin Colour.
Skin Colour
Once thought to be of no choice, is today possible to change incredibly. I was privileged to have won the DNA lottery at birth that made me fair in complexion but cannot fail to note the effort being made by my fellow sisters to tone away from the original colours they were born with.  Sometimes I wonder what happened to the phrase “Black is Beautiful”. I guess this is not helped by my Igbo brothers who tend to show preference for fairer skinned damsels.  But is it just the Igbo Boys...Cause even amongst the Caucasians a Blonde girl is perceived to be more attractive than a Brunet.  In India, the lighter skinned Indians are perceived to be superior....So invariably, I guess it’s just the way of the world to show preference for that which seems brighter;  Which begs the question what type of brightness is better, mental or skin type? I think mental brightness is better, a lot better. Don’t you think? Cause even when the bright physically coloured attraction has been acquired, the problem of sticking to one arises, the problem of choice.
The Colours of Choice
“I see the different colours of the rainbow... which one I go take o...” (singing in Black Magic's voice), though in this context like most people, refers to various options of dating partners available to us all day, the problem is always choice. How do we choose amongst all the colours we see and the big question....when we choose how do we stick to our choice without getting lured by the new colours we come across? Like you, this is a concept  i’ve  been battling with all my life but  dawning on the realisation of how to choose right and stick to one now... and  “oh what a wonderful world it is”.  Do you want to  know what the secret is?  Have you reached that phase of life when you have to choose?

The Colours of the Phases of Life
The dawn of day is ... the beginning of life... What colour can we use to describe? Hmm... I say GREY - Why do you think? Well I feel the colour GREY represents uncertainty.  For example in appraising anything we do, people normally use the phrase “GREY Areas” to describe parts that cannot be categorically classified, hence Uncertainty.  Pertaining to life, the birth of a child is normally filled with uncertainty.  What gender, what colour, what genes, how healthy, what survival rate ...and... what about the mother?  Yes, what about the Mother.  GREY areas.   Then comes the Morning time, sometimes described in the shades of ORANGE ... as the sun graciously rises and makes it’s way to the centre of the sky.  The adorable newborn, the cuddly and goofy toddler, the curious child and the extra inquisitive adolescent - all exciting and fresh like fresh oranges straight from the vine.  Mid-day arrives - glaring WHITE and bright totally clarifying any grey areas left to be seen.   The life of that child post adolescence if successful is said to be bright like the mid-day sun, but no matter how successful we are in life evening must come, those days when we start to grey in the hair, full of stories like tales by moonlight of an exciting life lived , experienced or heard.   Alas it is night time...BLACK and shrouded mystifying what the next stage would be...when we go home to meet our maker... dressed in all BLACK.
I think in my opinion my morning just passed for me as all I see going forth is a bright and sunny life. For those of you who know me, what do you think? And for those who don’t does this apply to your life? I hope it’s sunny and bright. J
Bolanle did I do justice to the topic?  And my dear beloved audience what should be the next topic on Musings of Luch.


  1. When it comes to jobs, most people prefer "white" collar jobs because it involves sitting in offices working on computers and shouting orders through the phone. However, it's erroneous for one to assume "blue" collar workers are less successful in today's society. It's true that blue collar jobs involve manual labour and a lot of effort they however make up those professions that are most lucrative in today's society-construction, mining, manufacturing. On the issue of our social status/family descent, you can either be "blue" blooded (royalty, aristocratic) or not. When it comes to soccer, you MUST choose "blue" 'cos...that's the Chelsea fc colour. Blue doesn't always represent pleasant things though, for instance, when it refers to the way we feel- nobody likes to feel "blue" on any occasion.

    1. I can guess who this one number one Chelsea fan, thanks for this comment.

  2. To say am impressed with your work would be to say the least. Am fascinated and inspired by your work in general. Rread your 1st piece Wich was so pure and unadulterated and I was impressed with the pace at which you are racing up the ladder. And I know your determination will definitely make your toddler steps into giant strides. Now talking of colours I thank God the white or blue collar jobs didn't get you because we wouldn't have seen this vibrant and colourful colour that you are made of. Keep up with your good works and colour our lives with you blog.

  3. Interesting read both posts. Stumbled upon this by chance and really amused at the amount of life and vigour inherent. I believe if you keep up this pace you would find yourself first amongst....In no time. Best of luck and looking forward to your fashion post

    1. thank you so much Uche ...don't stop visiting the musings of'll always be thrilled. the fashion post will be ready in a bit.Enjoy!

  4. " Success" has been defined as ' When Opportunity meets Preparation' ".. Trust me my friend Opportunities comes majorly through the back door. U can succeed with 1 percent Aspiration and 99 percent Perspiration... U r on the right track gal... Keep pushing and U will dine with Kings and Queens... Go gal, we've totally got ur back...

    1. you finally did it thank you so much. looking forward to your new designs.
