Saturday 29 March 2014


What is a “Red Carpet” for starters you may say....Daahh!  Some may answer.  But truth is some might not really know what we are talking about.  Carpets -  Sometimes called “Rugs” – that  woven thick fabric that we use to decorate our floors at home.  They come in different colours and can come shaped  or in rolls.  I like my carpets black, but I guess it’s because I love my walls white so that sharp contrast that is created turns me  Some people though love other colours like blue, grey or even red.  Yes Red Carpets.  However the term “Red Carpet” has come to stay as a phrase that describes a strip of red carpeting that has become of importance in our entertainment and social outings today.  Yes I am talking about the regular carpet/ rug used in homes but now laid at the entrance of events with a backdrop to provide some form of grandeur at the entrance.  It has also become  a norm as that part of an event that most people look forward to as they get to have the 6 seconds of fame as the paparazzi now lay on the fringes of the carpet to take pictures of people going into the event.  So why Red Carpet MOMENTS?  Well this new culture that is fast catching on has also come with a demand for those walking on it to be fabulously dressed. You never know where those pictures would end now do you?  Some have even turned it into a funny criteria in choosing a life partner... in their list of so of today. Lol  These youths now want a young guy/lady that looks red carpet worthy as a spouse (watching too much E! I suppose), as if they themselves are photograph worthy Lol...

Most red carpet events focus on women’s dresses. Women are asked to name who they are wearing more often than men. A celebrity’s career is considered more prosperous if she is always seen attired in custom made dresses. Basically, red carpets are one of the few cases where a woman’s look has to do with the issue at hand.


A guy can turn up to a very important red carpet event in a multi-colour plaid mash-up and the most criticism he gets is that he’s “eccentric”, were a lady to arrive in an equivalent attire, she would be shamed. In the case of celebrities, actresses are expected to turn up at each event in a new dress, if not to wear multiple outfits over the course of a single event ceremony, when actors could don the same suit again and again with hardly anyone noticing. Even the actors’ female partners end up being commented on for their clothes and lovely body, whereas male partners get a pass. Reviews are written about how well a dress fits but rarely about how a suit fits, though in recent times it’s being noticed and talked about by few. Red carpet outfits can be as simple as a short dress, it mustn't be all long and flowing all the time.


Red carpets aren’t meant for celebrities alone, often times we get invited for movie premiers, fashion shows, dinners, music shows and what have you. It is always necessary to look your best when attending these events be it at noon or eventide. Don’t overdo it, always remember that less is more. I have read about a few tips that can help our composure and confidence when on the red carpet to avoid being caught by the fashion police.


Be camera ready: cameras from different media houses will be present on the scene, so if you decide to walk the red carpet, make sure your hair is well laid, your makeup is beat (if you must use a pro makeup artist, do it)  and your outfit dainty. You never know where those pictures may end up.

It mustn’t always be heels: sometimes heels can be a girl’s best friend and worst enemy at the same time so if wearing a heel is not your thing and won’t allow you that freedom, go for a cute pair of bedazzled flat shoes. That way you keep your feet shining without toppling over things and people’s legs. Imagine being invited to the stage after you have worn this lovely slim heels but very know the rest the of the story...Lol


Don’t be shy: it is okay to be interviewed by the reporters and bloggers present at the event. They are not just there to talk to the celebrities or well known professionals alone. It is your time to tell the world why you came out to support and what you are excited to see. So always be interview ready J .

Epic fashion statement: don’t go dressing like a barbarian warlord or mother of dragons in a bid to get noticed or impress everyone, trying to prove that you’ve got your fashion senses working for you if you don’t have the balls (excuse my French)  to take the heat from the after effect.


Smile moderately: you are not on the red carpet for a tooth paste ad. So smile less and in a very classy manner. That way you’re seen in a good light.

Improve your posture: a great posture makes you look confident and reflects your personality. when you are standing try not to lean forward or to one side, keep your back and shoulders straight, chin up, stomach in and chest out. have a good eye contact with people, while talking don't look at the floor or here and there. don't bite your nails when you are having a conversation with someone, it seems manner less. walk straight, smart and feel confident.

In other words, dears if you must go on that red carpet be sure you’re very comfortable in that  outfit  of choice. Don’t go adjusting your under wears on the red carpet and get caught by bella naija’s camera...Lol.
Dear ladies, please beat your man to it and always look extremely glamorous and pleasing even to the other male folks present that your man will have  to hide you away and not have the time to look the way of other women....(if i hear) Lmao.

Once again, comments and observations are welcome...musings of Luch remains gratified. Thanks Chigasu for guessing right on a second chance, you only had one chance so i’ll keep the prize for another puzzle...Lol

Get that lovely outfit for Moma, remain grateful to her for having you. Our Momas up there, we know you’re with the angels.......  Happy Mothering Sunday. Cheers everyone!



Wednesday 26 March 2014


I guess the pressure of putting up new posts every 2 days is beginning to tell on me. Thank you Yeesha for pointing out those fundamental errors I made, really appreciate it. I have over time come to understand that in the field of creativity if one is not open to criticisms one could get lost. So, dear readers please note that all criticisms are welcome ...cause they’d help me grow to the level I aim to reach. On that note I would like to introduce a new category of posts. Yes you guessed the name, Eye Candy- Guess what? Confused? Don’t be. Well following on Yeesha’s advice I decided to slow down on my pace of delivering posts...but how do I keep you my faithfuls entertained in between. So I thought this would be a fun way hopefully of doing just that. You see every odd day, I will make a post of some eye catching pictures hence the term “eye candy”. Then from those pictures I will ask you the readers to guess what the next post topic would be. The clue is in the pictures and the story they tell. I still haven’t figured out if prizes need to be won... maybe you should suggest. Lol.
Well today your 20 Eye Candy pictures are below. Guess the story being told and you'd know what the next post would be about...




So! There you have it...your 20 Eye Candy pictures for today.  What story am I telling? 
What do you think the next post would be about?  
Once more criticisms are welcome on Musings of Luch. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014


Let me introduce you to my friend Jane.  Young, strong willed, extremely gorgeous looking lady with statistics that would make any man’s jaw drop. The kind of lady you would think MUST have won the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) crown some 3 or 4 odd years ago.  Yes my friend Jane was a knocker; you know that kind of girl who looked like all outfits were made just for her.  Everything and I mean everything looked good on Jane.  So this story is set at the birthday bash my other friend Moji held at some posh hideaway in Lekki Phase 1 last year, with some Lagos big boys in attendance cause Moji is kind of high profile.  Who was I to refuse such an invite?  So awesome Jane and I arrive together and make our grand entrance looking all spruced up, with my beauty queen strutting those curves like oh... and am a girl  All eyes were on Jane and not me, annoyingly, but you know how men are with curves.  She takes a seat smiling and taunting the men folks like “so which one of you has the “balls” to come ask me for a dance”.  A couple of minutes later this dapper dude walks up to save the pride of the male specie, picks Jane up and heads to the dance floor to gyrate those hips, and that gorgeous body... My eyes wander to the rest of the men, seeing as the queen was not seated, I guessed I was next in line to the throne right? ...what’s up with these blokes...then just as suddenly pandemonium struck!  There was a fracas on the dance floor. At first I thought some drunken “money miss road” had started embarrassing himself again. Then that dress caught my eyes hugging that beautiful creation of God...lying on the dance floor.  The rush for the nearest hospital. What a tragedy.

 A fit and healthy body is the best type of fashion statement” – Jess C. Scott


We’ve already defined what fashion is in my previous post ‘Fashion Intro’ and highlighted some fashion tips in the ‘choosing an outfit to wear as a wedding guest’ post.  Well Fitness in this context is defined as ‘the quality or state of being fit’ i.e. to be sound physically and mentally – health wise. 

Fat Accumulations and the Threat to our Health

I remember when I was much younger with my slim figure and flat tummy. I could wear just about any kind of body hugging dress or miniskirt, and eat just about anything too.  But as I grew older, that slim body left without a warning and I didn’t even know when or why. Truth is we all desire that flat tummy we all had as teens growing up but as we get older nature MUST take its cause and fat accumulation around different corners of our body would come with an enlargement of that gut; that ugly gut that takes away our six packs or flat tummy and makes it more difficult to fit into those lovely outfits we find. This post is however not just about the outfit we wear, but about being fit and healthy too. Did you know that there are two types of fat that accumulates around the tummy? There is the subcutaneous fat and the visceral fat.

Visceral fat aside from the fact that it prevents you from fitting into that dress or suit, can cause you a heart attack, like my dear friend Jane. Yes Jane had excessive visceral fat.  And yes it’s a new word to me too.  Somewhere beneath that curvy shape was a tummy-trimming girdle that hid the truth about Jane from the rest of the world.  Her tummy was big...massive was the word, just hidden away by her equally massive hips and moderate boobs with the girdle completing that hourglass look.  Jane was just a mere mortal like you and I, and like Jane we are all susceptible to the dangers inherent in not keeping fit by exercising regularly and worse off not eating healthy. We all know health is wealth right? I wonder why we take these issues for granted? This is the premise upon which I made this post to highlight the relationship between keeping fit and the fashionable look we so so desire.

Note that in fitness I do not refer to size, after all some huge people are much more fit than slim ones e.g Professional Wrestlers.  Additionally, for women having fat deposit in your bum is much safer than having fat deposits in your tummy. I'm sure the guys will like this news...Lol. Invariably you can be curvy and still be fit...for the ladies. It's all about you the individual, and taking care of those excesses that makes the fashionable you in your mind not to be projected outwards in the exterior as we discussed in Rule 1 of Giorgio Armani’s 7 Rules of Style. Health wise keeping your body mass index (BMI) and your body fat ratio (BFR) low will not only prolong your life but also aid In giving you that fit look you require.  So in conclusion, am going to give you just 7 simple tips that can help you maintain a good fitness level. One for each day of the week lol.

7 Simple Tips to Keeping Fit

1.            Always try as often as you can to exercise and eat healthy.

2.            Never skip breakfast, eat a healthy breakfast every morning before leaving home for your daily routine.

3.             Always eat a balanced diet.  Your meals should contain lots of vegetables, protein and a small portion of carbohydrates. Reduce your carbs intake. Like seriously.

4.             Eat fruits, loads of them. Snack on them instead of biscuits and chocolates, and drink fresh juices instead of processed or carbonated drinks.

5.             Eat foods rich in fibre. E.g wheat, oats, black berries, cranberries, broccoli, mushrooms, red cabbages, basically vegetables.

6.             Avoid red meat, eat more of white meat like chicken and fish. Fish for Omega 3 fatty acids good for the heart.

7.             Most importantly drink lots of water daily. 7 to 8 glasses daily.

These are simple tips we can live by each day and have little or less work to do fighting fat or trying to shed it. All our focus will now be on keeping fit and living a healthy life to always show off those good curves and lovely body. Keeping fit doesn’t require breaking the bank to pay for one expensive gym session that you’ll hardly have time to go to. Few sit ups before your morning shower and 30 minutes walk in the evenings can do the magic. Yes after sitting in that ‘Third Mainland Bridge’ traffic lol.

By the way, Jane is ALIVE and well, living in that posh part of my brain where I created her from.  LOL.  The whole story was a figment of my imagination meant to put the point succinctly across to you.  Did I succeed?  I really hope this was useful information for you as it was for me.  Who’s going to choose our next topic on Musings of Luch?

Saturday 22 March 2014


Like you, I never realised the amount of time, brain power, thought and effort it took to run a blog.  Most times we just come online read something, make a snide remark or authentic comment and go on with our daily lives.  But now I know.  The sleep deprivation, the time spent,  while trying to figure out what that next post would be like.  And then when you have the topic, how do I go about writing to satisfy the yearnings of many and not just one.  Oh well, I guess these are the teething stages of my blog life and I’d probably get used to it pretty soon.  I may have knowledge in fashion and how to dress well,  but cannot lay claim to being an least not yet.  So for today, am going to lend some help from an expert in the field of fashion to make this post worthy of your read.  

Today I’m going to take a stab at the men folks. Yes you the talking to you. Lol.  We talk and write so much about what we the ladies wear and how good we always want to look at that 30th birthday bash for Monica, or was it the 25th... it always seems to be the 25th...year in, year out...I wonder. Lol.   Well in planning our glam outing, we tend to forget that no matter how stylish and glamorous we look getting to Monica’s gig, posing on the red carpet, smiling for the cameras and waving at the fans...our partner or escort would be standing right there next to us.  Dressed in some drab knee length shorts, a round neck t-shirts that says “My girlfriend travelled to Dubai and all I got was this t-shirt”, and rounded up with some flip-flop on his feet which he swears are leather sandals...faux pas?...or will you rather pretend he didn’t step in with you?  And then the next day your glam pictures appear on Bella Naija with some dowdy looking guy in the background and you have to lie to your friends that..."that wasn’t Maxwell" ...your beau.  Lol.  Now wouldn't you rather avoid such embarrassment .  Well today you are in luck as am going to give you 7 rules of style for men from one of the most foremost expert in the fashion and style industry who requires no introduction unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 3 decades.  Giorgio Armani.

Giorgio Armani's 7 Rules of Style for Men

             1.             Clothing is the outward expression of the inner person.  We all have who we think we are inside our heads.  When we are able to portray that personality in our outward appearance we stand a better chance of carrying that look with pride and purpose than when there’s conflict between the inner and outer you.  Am sure everyone has experienced that moment when YOU know that you have dressed to form and feel good about it. Well that’s the moment.  Just make sure your inner mind is not guilty of faux pas. Lol

2.             An air of mystery is a very sensual thing.  Deriving from Rule 1 above, creating a brand style of dressing for yourself creates an illusion of mystery to your audience.  I know a couple of guys who dress solely in White outfits no matter the style, design, fabric or even occasion.  Do you know any like that?  Do you sense that mystery?  Additionally, outfits that cover all but alludes to the possibility of exposure can give that sense of mystery required.  This particularly applies to the ladies.  ‘A reveal all’ outfit leaves little or nothing to the imagination.  No mystery whatsoever.  While an appropriately placed slit on a full length outfit would create a much sharper lure.

3.             Sexy is not a matter of age; it’s a matter of attitude.  Ask Hugh Hefner...That man is 88years old and still waxing strong. Lol.  On a more serious note, take a look at Richard Mofe Damijo...the whites around his head seem to accentuate his personality better than even when it was all dark.   At the end of the day, Its the attitude that counts, and taking into consideration Rule 1 and 2 would give you the impetus to push forward that personality you want your audience to see. That air of importance we all seek as humans.   Some even argue that the experience of age is quite attractive...or is it the money. lol

4.             If you’re a man lost for style, find a male role model.   Simple!

5.             Learn from watching some of the stars in movies.  If finding a role model is difficult for you, because of where you live, or just the kind of people around you, you could learn from the stars you watch on tv or in movies.  E.g. Dbanj, Uti, Banky W, Mai Atafo.

6.             Always take the advice of a woman over that of a man. Always. After all they’d give you the view from the other side right? Besides, most times it’s them you are trying to impress...Lol... Peacocks!

7.             Men have to have the courage to be sexy, to be attractive. Men tend to feel that they can’t be sexy because they are men as it could be misconstrued for too much feminity.... . Well I believe a man can still dress sexy and be decent and not be feminine.  Men should feel free to explore with clothing but please please stay away from Jeggings or is it Meggings they call it. Lol.  NOT COOL!  Overly tight or body hugging tops are not cool too. 

You don't have sexy keep it moderately tight like the images below, with some breathing space for Mandingo PLEASE! LOL If in doubt, Refer to Rule No 2.

So there you have it, my fifth post on my brand new blog.  Been quite educative for me I must say and I do hope for you too.  I am sure we will get great results when we follow these Giorgio Armani 7 Rules of Style to attract these female folks you spread your wings for.  Ladies, educating your man on these rules would definitely make you feel proud of his appearance especially in public places. Note that some of the rules apply to you ladies too.  Best of luck.

True to form, I will ask again, what other avenues of discuss would you rather see on this blog aside from fashion?  Let’s use this platform collectively, to improve various aspects of our lives we may find wanting.  What do you think?

Quick question...Are my post too long? Is there something wrong with my style.  Feedbacks are welcome  on Musings of Luch please.



Wednesday 19 March 2014


Every little girl from the moment they realise that they are a different gender from that little boy down the street they play with, starts to harness a dream to one day be a bride to the boy/man of their dreams (sometimes it’s a Knight in Shining Armour)lol.  They plan, plan and plan some more, modifying the way that special day would be as they grow older.  Then that day finally comes and ...oh the realisation of a dream.  We are however not here to dwell on that little girl’s dream.  We are here to discuss the guest that would help her make that day glamorous. 

All Weddings are glamorous occasions, full of dreams being actualised or further enhanced. Weddings could be conducted anywhere and at any time of the day. Guests attend weddings for a myriad of reasons ranging from being friends with the bride or groom or just dropping by (mo gbo mo ya), just incase they find a partner of their own on this special day.  There are also those that just come for the food and booze...Lol.  Depending on what reason led you to attend the wedding your outfit could range from formal to informal.  The rules of good outfitting differ for different times of day as well as the level of formality required, though in Nigeria we mostly have day weddings as opposed to evening weddings.
Have you been invited to a wedding but aren’t quite sure what to wear?  Choosing an Outfit to Wear as a Wedding Guest can be a tricky game, and for some a nightmare.  No one wants to go to a wedding looking like a dweeb.  Your choice could range from a simple outfit made by your tailor down the street to a Vivienne Westwood or Giorgio Armani.  I will attempt to give you some guidelines that can help you in choosing that perfect outfit, but first let’s start with 6 tips on how to choose good outfits in general.  Please note that this post only focuses on clothes.  Shoes and accessories would be another discuss.
6 Tips on How to Choose Good Outfits in General
1.             Don’t buy clothes that are too tight or too short. It won’t look nice especially if you don’t have a slim figure. Good clothing often starts with the fit.
2.             Buy clothes that lay emphasis on your best parts and create an illusion of a very fit body no matter your size.
3.             Wear a good bra and underwear when you try these clothes on, be it a dress or a top and skirt. Make sure the item fits very well.
4.             Check the quality of the clothes. Make sure they don’t stretch too much and be sure the material is good quality. Look after your clothes to preserve them longer.  Read the label so you know how to wash, dry and iron them.
5.             Don’t just follow fashion blindly. Choose clothes that will flatter YOUR figure and suit you!  Not all fashionable clothes are meant for everybody, so find clothes that are right for you.
6.             When wearing pants (i.e. trousers), wear a very thin underwear beneath your pants to avoid those embarrassing underwear lumps.
In summary note that every human has the colour or range of colours that matches them best.  Knowing what colour matches your skin type or even eyes is the first step in dressing glamorously...but this is also a discuss for another day...for now, the main event.  The wedding guest outfit.
 Choosing the Wedding Guest Outfit....
The First Rule for choosing an outfit as a wedding guest is “Never, ever, ever get a better outfit than the bride or groom” just messing with you. :) (smiley).  You had better outshine that bride or groom if you are still searching. 
Ok...In this part of the world, we have what is called the “ashoebi” which is a uniform fabric bought and shared by the bride for her family and friends to wear, to create a semblance of unity while adding a specific dash of colour to the occasion. This concept in reality saves us the ladies most times from the stress of thinking and figuring out what to wear.  Of course if you are still searching you would want to sew your own ashoebi in an enticing or classier way than the average.  The puzzle of what to wear sets in when there is no ashoebi or you do not qualify as part of the Close User Group (CUG) of the bride or groom to get one. If you fall in this category my dear friend, refer to the first rule above for starters lol. 
5 Eternal Tips for Deciding on that Drop Dead Gorgeous Outfit...
1.             Always always always refer to the 6 tips on how to choose good outfits in general above.
2.             You’ll want to wear a dress, which doesn’t need to be full-length unless it’s a very formal wedding. Just about any colour goes as long as it’s not white, except you want to compete with the bride. This rule may seem outdated but it’s actually just good etiquette to not compete with the bride on her special day...umm in white (p.s. you can compete in other colours you know...hehe!)
3.             Don’t wear sequins during the daytime. Anything sparkly will make you look over dressed.
4.             Please and please wear something feminine and appropriate out of respect for your hosts. Club wear, overtly sexy clothing (extremely short or see through) doesn’t belong at a wedding. Remember this, if you have to ask if it’s appropriate, it probably isn’t.
5.             Use better judgement.  If the invitation doesn’t specify the formality of the event, it makes it easier to shop from lace fabrics to florals and pastels, but please refer to tips No 3 and 4 above.
Well that's all folks...for now. 5 eternal tips for deciding on that drop dead gorgeous outfit to wear as a wedding guest.
Oh I forgot our male friends. (Smiley).  Well for our male folks it’s normally easy; dark suit will do for any time of day with a creative long tie or a bow tie.  You can go without a tie if it’s not stated that you must wear one, as long as your suit is well fitted and suave. Then a black tie if the invitation specifies “black tie event”. A tuxedo could be appropriate if you’re the groom’s man and the groom is also in a tux. 
Well these are my thoughts on the subject.  I may not be an expert but this has always worked for me.  I am however open to discerning views. What are your thoughts folks? If you are still in difficulty, I could also be of personal assistance if you contact me directly via my email. We could set up a meet either physically or virtually and I would try to advice you appropriately.  I also run a fashion business/personal shopper service.  Not to worry my rates are pretty affordable. Hi Steph it is, well served I hope ;-)....You're still on the Musings of Luch.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


My Fashion Intro...

I have always loved fashion.  Good outfits make me blush.  I always want to come out looking all comely no matter the time of day. This love for fashion was definitely not born today, I think my fashion intro started somewhere in those 9 months...or was it after lol.   Right from childhood though, I remember vividly fighting for the liberty to pick my own clothes. A dress with a matching pair of shoes,  some funny looking artificial flower to beautify my scrawny looking hair...  and my mum would always wonder ‘where in the world did she get that hipster from.” Lol.

Fashion can be defined as “a popular or latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behaviour” It can also be described as “the manner by which something is done at a period of time.  Sometimes it comes as a fad (short lived) and sometime it’s ever green.  Most times though, we try to keep up with what is trending, sometimes failing woefully and committing fashion blunders... or is it “faux pas”? Hmm.

Back in my university days my friends and course mates will always tell me that I dress well.  They felt that I match my tops and bottom very well and I would just blush and say thanks. It was believed that I had good dress sense...whatever that means.  Consequently, some kept advising that I take it up seriously as a service I could provide to others... and who knows where it would get me.  Well I listened... and here I am.

Long and short of the story is that I love putting good pieces of clothing together to come out dapper. I’ve also longed to empower people through fashion just like my tutor in one of the fashion classes I attended way back then...Big ups to Temitope Williams of fashion beyond stitches.

In this blog as part of the Musings of Luch, I shall be giving out tips on how to mix and match, what colours or patterns, size or shape one should or shouldn’t wear for different occasions and events. I shall also continue with my research and readings to expand my knowledge further so as to serve you all better as fashion is an ever evolving concept....i’m not a fashion plate yet you know.

So there you have...My fashion intro.  I really hope I did justice once more.  However criticism is highly welcome.  Please and please ,always send in your questions on whatever fashion tips you need or are confused about and I’ll help to the best of my knowledge, we might even end up solving the puzzle together, that way you see you’ve got your own good dress sense too. J For starters since fashion is such a wide topic can we break it down into bits and see.  Can someone please suggest what aspect of fashion we should start with?

Saturday 15 March 2014


Right off the bat my second post was suggested by the second person to Ever comment on my blog . Thank you Bolanle for this thought provoking topic, though I must say writing about life in colours is such a wide topic that would require a whole library to address. However, I shall attempt it without over dwelling on specifics.
Colours have everything to do with life ...what we eat, where we live, what we wear, name it. Colours attract our senses and tease our minds.  They help us in making choices amongst we all have our favourite colours right? Let’s start with the one colour that affects us right from birth.  Skin Colour.
Skin Colour
Once thought to be of no choice, is today possible to change incredibly. I was privileged to have won the DNA lottery at birth that made me fair in complexion but cannot fail to note the effort being made by my fellow sisters to tone away from the original colours they were born with.  Sometimes I wonder what happened to the phrase “Black is Beautiful”. I guess this is not helped by my Igbo brothers who tend to show preference for fairer skinned damsels.  But is it just the Igbo Boys...Cause even amongst the Caucasians a Blonde girl is perceived to be more attractive than a Brunet.  In India, the lighter skinned Indians are perceived to be superior....So invariably, I guess it’s just the way of the world to show preference for that which seems brighter;  Which begs the question what type of brightness is better, mental or skin type? I think mental brightness is better, a lot better. Don’t you think? Cause even when the bright physically coloured attraction has been acquired, the problem of sticking to one arises, the problem of choice.
The Colours of Choice
“I see the different colours of the rainbow... which one I go take o...” (singing in Black Magic's voice), though in this context like most people, refers to various options of dating partners available to us all day, the problem is always choice. How do we choose amongst all the colours we see and the big question....when we choose how do we stick to our choice without getting lured by the new colours we come across? Like you, this is a concept  i’ve  been battling with all my life but  dawning on the realisation of how to choose right and stick to one now... and  “oh what a wonderful world it is”.  Do you want to  know what the secret is?  Have you reached that phase of life when you have to choose?

The Colours of the Phases of Life
The dawn of day is ... the beginning of life... What colour can we use to describe? Hmm... I say GREY - Why do you think? Well I feel the colour GREY represents uncertainty.  For example in appraising anything we do, people normally use the phrase “GREY Areas” to describe parts that cannot be categorically classified, hence Uncertainty.  Pertaining to life, the birth of a child is normally filled with uncertainty.  What gender, what colour, what genes, how healthy, what survival rate ...and... what about the mother?  Yes, what about the Mother.  GREY areas.   Then comes the Morning time, sometimes described in the shades of ORANGE ... as the sun graciously rises and makes it’s way to the centre of the sky.  The adorable newborn, the cuddly and goofy toddler, the curious child and the extra inquisitive adolescent - all exciting and fresh like fresh oranges straight from the vine.  Mid-day arrives - glaring WHITE and bright totally clarifying any grey areas left to be seen.   The life of that child post adolescence if successful is said to be bright like the mid-day sun, but no matter how successful we are in life evening must come, those days when we start to grey in the hair, full of stories like tales by moonlight of an exciting life lived , experienced or heard.   Alas it is night time...BLACK and shrouded mystifying what the next stage would be...when we go home to meet our maker... dressed in all BLACK.
I think in my opinion my morning just passed for me as all I see going forth is a bright and sunny life. For those of you who know me, what do you think? And for those who don’t does this apply to your life? I hope it’s sunny and bright. J
Bolanle did I do justice to the topic?  And my dear beloved audience what should be the next topic on Musings of Luch.

Friday 14 March 2014


First amongst a phrase that can be used to describe several scenarios in life.  It could be used to rank a group of things, people or places as the case may be.  In this sense however, I have chosen First amongst many to describe my toddler steps into the sojourn of the blogosphere.  In English this is my first blog (a test of sorts) and my first post.  So for those of you looking for something intelligent and well structured to come out of this topic am sorry to disappoint you.  (smiley face)  This is just me testing how the back end of a blog works for the first time and realising ...oh what a wonderful world... in the voice of that tv advert we all watched as kids...what's the name again? Somebody help me out here.  On a slightly serious note though, First amongst a phrase I have used as a motivating key at various stages of my life, as I strive to achieve greatness and climb the "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs".  
Like when I had my first major opportunity to organise an event in 2013 for top dignitaries in the Judicial circles of Nigeria as depicted in the image above. Justice Tokunbo is the First female Supreme Court Judge in Nigeria and I was honoured to be the event organiser for an honouring night held at the Wheatbaker Hotel Ikoyi Lagos. 
So though this is my first post and was supposed to be made up of unintelligent musings or ramblings or the usual asdf ;lkj repetitions that normally fills these pages, I have somehow tried to keep your attention till this point if you are still reading. (smiley).  Which means you should expect to be fed with more great writings to come...This was me...unedited...straight from my gut. 
Let's play a game. I want someone to suggest the next topic for the "Musings of Luch".  Welcome to my world.